<Operation Hot Rod: just a boring update on life
Just living la vida loca!
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Tuesday, February 15, 2011
just a boring update on life
Not a whole lot to write about here.

Here's the week in a nutshell:

- Steve got called up for jury duty yesterday, which means he'll be on a boring civil case for the next two weeks with a hefty salary of $24.00 per day. I get it, its our civic duty, but it sure is a pain in the butt.

- I took Asher to his 6 month appointment this morning(yes, he's 7 1/2 months old, we're a little behind here) and he's now considered "tall" at his whopping 29" inches! Don't know how that happened since both of our families are rather short.

- Our other little baby is doing great. If you recall, I had some special tests run on my heart a few weeks back and we were so happy to get the report from my doctor that there are no major problems, just a little murmur. I wasn't really worried about it in the first place, but good news is always good.
As far as other good news, we got the results from our Nuchal Translucency screening test. This is the test that caused so much worry in my last pregnancy when they thought that Asher might have down syndrome. At the time, they told me that with every pregnancy my chance would be so much greater that the baby could have down syndrome. I wasn't really worried about this test this time, I think my heart had been prepared enough with Asher to be able to handle whatever the news was that we got. That being said, I knew our odds were higher for "bad numbers" this time around. Oh how the tables turned though when the genetic counselor called and said that the chance of us having a baby with down syndrome this time was 1 in 10,0000! WOW! Such a change.  I don't remember the exact number with Asher, but I know it was less than a 1 in 40 chance, so I guess somehow my genetic makeup has changed in the last year.

- Steve cut his thumb pretty badly at work last week and had to go in for stitches. I swear, we have spent more time in the ER this last year than we ever have in our entire life.

- My belly is starting to get really big. I can't really fit into my normal clothes anymore, but my maternity pants are still to big. I hate this weird stage of pregnancy. Sweat pants it is!

So, that's what's happening in our extremely boring, yet exciting (in the unfortunate ways) lives.

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