<Operation Hot Rod: Life and babies and all that jazz....
Just living la vida loca!
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Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Life and babies and all that jazz....
Hello world. One would think my New Year's resolution was to NOT blog. That is not the case, we've just had a lot going on and honestly, I've just been tired so it's been on the bottom of my priority list and I'm just fine with that.

So what's going on with us you might ask? Asher is huge, 6 1/2 months now and loving the solid food journey! I'm afraid our little boy might have an appetite like his dad and I'm expecting our grocery bills to skyrocket with every passing year.
Steve's still working his butt off and coming home exhausted every night.
I'm still doing the stay at home mom gig and love it. I haven't been getting out of the house much, but am working on that. It's just so hard to get motivated when it's so darn cold outside.

My waist continues to expand, but I can't blame it entirely on eating to many goodies over the holiday's.  Yep, I'm knocked up again and we are all so excited around here! I went to meet my new OB a couple of weeks ago thinking I was just 5 or so weeks along, but it turns out this baby has been in my belly for awhile now (12 1/2 weeks to be exact).

Apparently I got pregnant the week before my appendix ruptured and it never showed up on the pregnancy test they gave me at the hospital before they started my IV and whisked me off to surgery. I guess our little baby is quite the fighter to have survived such an ordeal. I never even fathomed that I was pregnant for those few weeks after my surgery, because anytime I felt bad I blamed it on my appendix and never realized there could have been something else going on. My first inclination that I could be pregnant was when I got really bad heartburn a few days before Christmas. Heartburn seems to be a staple with pregnancy for me.

Anyway, so Asher will be a big brother sometime around the end of July just after he turns one. I'm so thankful. As crazy as it sounds, we prayed that I would be able to pregnant as soon as the doctor gave us the okay, and our prayers have been answered!

So that's what's new in our neck of the woods.

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Blogger Charisa said...

Such great news! Congrats!

Anonymous dawn said...

How wonderful! I'm really excited for you guys! You are gonna be one busy momma!

Blogger Priscilla said...

Congrats! That's amazing!

Blogger Unknown said...

I was just thinking the other day that I hadn't seen a post from you in awhile...this made it worth the wait!! Congratulations, that is such exciting news:) My first two are 13 months apart and while it can be crazy in the beginning, it is so worth it in the long run. They are best buddies and are great at keeping each other occupied. Wishing you a happy healthy 9 months. Can't wait to see if this one has all that hair like Asher:)

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