<Operation Hot Rod: Yes, I'm really getting old.
Just living la vida loca!
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Thursday, April 07, 2011
Yes, I'm really getting old.
It's crazy how once you hit 30 everything seems to go downhill. More and more, I've been feeling like an old fogey lately and last night my suspicions that I just couldn't party like I used to were confirmed.

My brother played a show in Los Angeles last night and it just so happened that this particular concert would be streaming live online (it was some kind of special event or something). The last time I saw my brother play live was probably 12 years ago when I went to California to visit him on a weekend that he had happened to have a gig, so I thought it would be fun to watch him last night. With the time difference though, by the time he finished up playing it was around 12:30 here. In other words, way to late for this old dog. This morning, as I was pouring my cup of coffee I realized two things:
1. I really am getting old! To old to stay up late, and so old that I don't really appreciate anything if its after the hours of 11 pm.
2. I really, really love my brother. There's not to many people that I would stay up so late for, but my brother happens to be one of them.

It's been awhile since I've seen my brother, so I'm hoping that soon we can all get together. Poor little Asher hasn't even met his Aunt and Uncle yet.



Blogger Unknown said...

I think age is a factor but probably getting up with a little one and cooking another one plays an even bigger role in not being able to stay up late!!

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