<Operation Hot Rod: Bittersweet News...
Just living la vida loca!
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Tuesday, June 02, 2009
Bittersweet News...
We got some good and bad news yesterday.

The bad news is that yesterday while Steve was on his lunch break (at the place where he's been working as a temp for the last 2 months) his boss got fired. He and his boss have actually become pretty good friends and he's been really been talking Steve up and encouraging management to hire him on permanently.

The good news is that after his lunch break yesterday Steve was offered the job as the supervisor in charge of the warehouse. Of course Steve will take the job, but it's been a little hard to get excited when he's taking the job of a good man and friend. His boss was a very hard worker and everyone was shocked when they let him go yesterday. Steve talked to him for awhile on the phone last night and thankfully everything is fine between them.

Effective yesterday Steve is the managing supervisor. They told him that they will keep him on through the temp agency to feel things out a bit and then once they see that things are working out they'll hire him on permanently. He's got a big job ahead of him. The fact that they're giving to a position to a new guy that's a temp says a lot - not only about Steve's work ethic, but also about the work ethic of the other employees there (some of them have worked there for 10+ years) that actually know a little bit about the organization. Steve knows that he has his work cut out for him - especially since he's never worked in a supervisory role, but I am so confident that he can do this and he'll do great.

I am so proud of my husband. He is such a good man - full of integrity, hard working and respectful of others. We've been married for three years now and it seems like with each passing day I become more and more grateful for the wonderful husband that God has provided me with. I am so in love with this wonderful man and feel so blessed to have him as my husband and friend.

We'll see where all this news takes us. At this point we're cautiously optimistic and trying to figure out why things are happening the way they are. We're grateful to God for his provision and praying that everything works out for the best for everyone involved.



Anonymous dawn said...

How exciting! Congrats!

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