<Operation Hot Rod: just a little update...
Just living la vida loca!
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Tuesday, May 19, 2009
just a little update...
I haven’t had much time, energy or motivation to blog lately. It’s just been a busy season and a lot has been going on, I haven’t really had much time to sit back, relax and process it all.

Chris & Christina are finally here and it’s so nice and refreshing to have them in our lives again. I feel like we can actually plant a church now and not look like complete idiots because our pastor’s aren’t here. Just having some friends here that are familiar and know our ins and outs has also been really comforting.

The church planting is going well. We’re looking for a venue to meet at as we’re pretty much at the point of outgrowing our house. It’s a good problem to have, but also comes along with a new set of stresses.

Steve hasn’t had much news on the job front. He knows that he for sure will have work through June, but after that he’s not sure. The company that he’s working for as a temp really wants to hire him on full time, but since they’re a non-profit they don’t really have much of a budget. We’re praying that something in the situation will change as he really seems to like working there just as much as they enjoy having him.

This weekend we’re heading back to St. Louis and we are SO excited! The weekend will be full of Cardinal’s games, picnics in Forest Park, time with friends and a bachelorette party for Erica. I’m so looking forward to seeing friends and wish we could stay longer, but I’m just grateful that we get to go home at all. Friday can’t come soon enough!
