<Operation Hot Rod: New Job!
Just living la vida loca!
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Tuesday, July 10, 2007
New Job!
So....the wait is over! I FINALLY got a new job and I feel so relieved.
It's not the job I was originally wanting (see Interview #2 and Justa Job Interview) but it actually is a job with better pay AND hours. It was kind of weird how it came about actually because I don't really know anything about this company and therefore had obviously never sought employment there. Last week a friend of mine called me up that works there though and said they had an opening they thought I would be perfect for.
I really had my heart set on working at the same company Steve works for and for the last 2 months have not pursued any other jobs as I felt a peace about holding out for this one. They had interviewed me twice, and then they told me they were interested in me working there but that my application was being processed and to call back in 2 weeks....for 2 months they told me this!
Anyway....so when this other opportunity popped up I felt good about pursuing it. I went in for the official interview yesterday even though they had already told me that the position was mine and they weren't even opening it up for other applicants.
So....I feel SO relieved. The job is okay....realistically I would have LOVED the job at Steve's company and had they offered it to me I would have taken it even though it's less pay and worse hours than this one, but I"m just happy to have a job. I don't see myself working for this company for the rest of my life or anything like that but I just feel so relieved that I won't be stressed out 24/7 about where the money for our next bill will be coming from. Over the last 2 months I've pretty much drained our savings account of all the money (which wasn't all that much) we had been saving for the down payment on our next house and it's been stressful for me.

So....all that being said I really am grateful for God's provision. These last 2 months without a job has been difficult but looking back I really see God's hand on the situation. I really think the whole situation with being strung along by the company that Steve works for was really God just preparing me and opening up the position for me at the new job that I'll be taking.
I have also learned SO much in these last 2 months about my character and my attitude. I really see now that God was using this season to teach me so much about His heart and I"m grateful for everything I've learned and I really think it's made me a better person.

So my first day is monday. This week I'll be doing drug tests, waiting for my background check to come in and all that jazz. I am excited!!!!

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Blogger Jeff said...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

that's great! I'm so happy for you!

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