<Operation Hot Rod: today's entertainment....
Just living la vida loca!
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Wednesday, June 03, 2009
today's entertainment....
Steve and I went for a walk on Monona Terrace last night and ended up being entertained while we were there!
This is what we saw...
It was so neat to watch the pyramid form. This picture isn't even the completed pyramid, another person was added to the top after I took this one. It's amazing to me that people can do this while being pulled behind a boat. I can't even get up to water ski for more than 5 seconds, so to say the least I was thoroughly impressed.
This is what they looked like after they climbed back down from the pyramid with three to a ski (or whatever it was that they were on).
This is the kind of stuff that makes me love Madison. There's always something interesting to see and we always end up getting entertained wherever we go because people are always out doing crazy stuff like this "just for fun". Now that the weather is nice and we've been able to get out and about more I have completely fallen in love with this city!



Blogger Charisa said...

I think the Mad City ski team performs every Sunday at 5:30, in case you want to see more!

Blogger Christina said...

That is amazing!!

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