<Operation Hot Rod: Chicago!
Just living la vida loca!
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Saturday, August 28, 2010

Steve had to go to Chicago for a work conference this week. He left on Sunday and one of my friends here happened to be going to Chicago on Monday, also for work, so Asher and I hitched a ride with her so we could join daddy for a few days. It was so great to get away and ended up being a nice little mini vacation! Steve ended up having quite a bit of free time, so we got to spend lots of quality time together.

His work put him up in a super nice hotel right downtown across for the Chicago Theatre. Asher and I spent a lot of time walking around exploring the city and shopping (or more browsing) the stores on State St. and Michigan Ave.

Not the best picture of our little Ash-man

It was nice to get away for a few days, but whew - packing for a baby is quite the ordeal! I couldn't believe how much stuff we had to pack up just for a quick trip. I spent the majority of Sunday afternoon packing and preparing, when before baby I would have just taken me a few minutes to throw my stuff in a bag. It was worth it though - we had such a great time and didn't spend a penny for our little getaway!

One of the highlights of the trip for me was seeing my friend Kris. I met Kris 11 years ago when I was teaching english in Thailand. He was one of my students and at the time only spoke a few words of english. We've kept in touch from time to time and he moved to Chicago not that long ago to go to school and is now a fluent english speaker! I was excited that we could get together and reconnect after all these years!

It was a great few days away and just what we needed!
