<Operation Hot Rod: Giving thanks for a GREAT weekend!
Just living la vida loca!
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Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Giving thanks for a GREAT weekend!
We had a great Thanksgiving! It was nice to actually be home this year. I’ll be honest I wasn’t really looking forward to Thanksgiving for a few reasons. I love the company of my in-laws, but not only do they REALLY like to eat but they really like to sit around and relax while eating. A normal “family” day for the Rodriguez’s would be to watch as many movies as possible (literally sometimes the in-laws go rent about 6 or 7 DVD’s for one day, and or course while you’re watching these movies you have to be eating the entire time. This family likes to eat – just look at how much weight I have gained since becoming one of them and that should explain it.

Anyway….so for the above mentioned reasons I haven’t really enjoyed family holidays so much. I just can’t spend that much time in front of the TV without getting stir crazy – half the time I have a hard time making it through even one movie before I get sick of sitting around and want to do something a little more relational.

This year though was nice. We actually spent time sitting down at the table TALKING to Steve’s parents and I really enjoyed myself. They’re such great people and so full of wisdom so I really enjoy quality conversations with them.

After the family Thanksgiving extravaganza Steve & I headed off to Kansas City for the weekend for my friend Shira’s wedding. We had a great time! It was good for us to get away and I had a blast reconnecting with a lot of old friends that had also come to town for the wedding that I haven’t seen for awhile.

It’s crazy to me how whenever I’m around old friends of mine from Montana I’m reminded of just how special they are. Montanans are really a special breed of their own, and I mean that in a good way. Steve always happens to mention it as well whenever he happens to meet any of my old childhood friends. They are all such great people and whenever I’m around some of the old peeps again it really makes me miss Montana. Not for geographic reasons, but more for relational reasons. I really miss some of the friends I had growing up and one thing I love about them is that they’re relationships that you can just pick up where you left off. I’ve had a lot of great friends in my life that I really love, but it seems that once distance enters into the picture it’s just too hard to keep with each other’s lives and then once you DO finally get to connect again it’s just weird. Am I the only that ever feels this way?

Sometimes it’s especially hard for me if it’s a friend that I haven’t seen in a REALLY long time because it’s just to hard to catch up on what’s going in life. How you do you sum up 10 years of life in just a short amount of time? I’m a very detailed person so for me that’s impossible; not only to catch someone up on my life, but also to feel satisfied that I’m really filled in on everything that’s been happening in their life.

Maybe I’m just weird. Anyway….so that was our Thanksgiving. It was good and so great to catch up with some of my old homies!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

yep. we are an unusual breed- but oh so much fun. :) how was the wedding?!!!! i'm so excited for shira and can't wait to someday meet this man she married. he's gotta be cool/amazing.

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