<Operation Hot Rod: just another weekend......
Just living la vida loca!
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Monday, November 12, 2007
just another weekend......

Steve & I lounging in the "the beer garden"

We had a great weekend!
We help lead the music ministry at our church and normally our music teams meets on Saturday mornings, but we recently moved our meeting days to Wednesday nights and it has been SO nice to finally have our day off really be what it's supposed to be! These last few Saturday of sleeping in and doing whatever we want has been so good for us. There really is a reason why God commands us to remember the sabbath and take a day for rest. Because we do so much in the church, Sunday's are absolutely crazy for us and relaxing is not word that could even barely describe our day, so we have really loved having our Saturdays free.

After sleeping in till about 8:30 (which is REALLY sleeping in considering we both get up at 5:00 every morning) we went into the city to have some Breakfast at the South City Diner for breakfast. I love this place because whenever I go there I seem to run into friends that I haven't seen in awhile. This time I ran into Chuck - one of my old favorite "regulars" from Starbucks. It was great seeing him as I was actually telling Steve on the way over to the diner how much I missed working at Starbucks and getting to see my favorite customers every day. I actually even mentioned that I missed Chuck and needed to email him, so it made me happy to see him a few minutes later.

We spend Saturday afternoon at the Lau Nae Winery with Dale and Missy and had some really yummy wine and pizza. One of my friends had told me that this winery was really cool and had a great little beer garden with a martini bar and so I was expecting a realy cool place (I'm one of those people that's all about the atmosphere) and was a little dissapointed. The beer garden wasn't really cool at all and the martini bar wasn't really much of a martini bar (not that I tried one anyway since I don't like martini's) but the wine and the pizza was FABULOUS! Missy, Steve and I bought a bottle of the Marechal Foch to drink and it was one of the best wines I've had in a long time. Granted.....that's not saying much as I'm not much of a wine connoisseur. When we buy wine (which we do pretty often) we almost always buy the $2.99 bottles of "Charles Shaw" that is exclusive to Trader Joe's. In my opinion it's some pretty good wine, and you can't really beat the price. I'm really glad that I'm not really into wine like I am coffee, because that would be one expensive habbit.

Anyway....so that was our weekend. It was pretty dull, but that's just how I like it!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love that Trader Joe's wine as well! Their beer is really good too!

Blogger Jeff said...

Sounds good to me.

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