<Operation Hot Rod: It's time to get on the soap box!
Just living la vida loca!
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Friday, November 16, 2007
It's time to get on the soap box!
I’m ashamed to admit I have kind of a “secret indulgence” with a certain show on ABC that I try to watch occasionally…..Grey’s Anatomy.
I’ve really just started watching the show last year. So many of my friends and coworkers watch this show and seem to constantly be talking about so I decided I’d see what all the fuss was about and got kind of hooked as well.

I have to say that I really have a love/hate relationship with the show though. I guess it would be more accurate to say that I hate that I love this show. Some of the episodes occasionally end up having a really good message, but it’s the fact that none of the character really seem to have any morals that really gets on my nerves

Last nights episode really got to me though. I’ve been so ticked off over the storyline of George and Izzie as I watched the show the last few weeks. For those of you the don’t watch the show George recently decided that instead of being in love with his wife (of just a few months) that he was instead in love with his best friend Izzie. George & Izzie decided to have an affair and George promptly told his wife that he no longer wanted to be with her. Mind you, all three of these characters work together so he was flaunting his new love right in front of his wife everyday. As the last few episodes have progressed George & Izzie have been so exited to finally be “free” to be together.
Last night’s episode made me secretly happy though. George & Izzie are realizing that maybe life just isn’t perfect now that they’re together and that they both kind of enjoyed just being best friends. Well….DUH! You were married and left you wife for someone else OF COURSE THINGS AREN’T GOING TO BE PERFECT! That’s what happens when you act like an idiot and screw things up! That is precisely why when you get married you make a life-long commitment to your spouse to love them and them alone! Obviously when you mess things up because you’re caught up in your selfish emotions and decide that the vows you made to your wife just a few months earlier no longer should apply things are not going to be perfect like you think they will be.

I know, I know, it’s just a show but this kind of crap makes me so mad. Yet still I watch the show. Shame on me I guess eh?

Anyway….so I can’t really decide if I should be happy or disgusted with the writers of the show. Happy that they showed that infidelity isn’t as perfect of a scapegoat as it may seem, or disgusted that they showed the infidelity as acceptable if it feels right.
I guess for now I’ll just ride the fence and wait it out to see what happens next week. If everything is back to “perfect” again then I’ll be disgusted!
For now though I’ll just get off my soapbox!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I stumbled upon your blog and am an avid Greys watcher as well and couldn't agree with you more! What's funny as that George and Izzie acted so surprised that everything wasn't as rosey as they hoped it would be between them!

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