<Operation Hot Rod: A lot can happen in just 40 days....
Just living la vida loca!
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Monday, February 26, 2007
A lot can happen in just 40 days....
How about those Oscars? I'll be honest....due to the fact that we get up so early we both fell asleep by 9:00 watching them. I'm kind of bummed because I read this morning that Jennifer Hudson won for best supporting actress and I really wanted to see her speech. Every time I've ever seen her speak in public she always says the stupidest things and it really amuses me. She just hasn't got the whole "being in the public eye" thing yet. Really though....are you ever supposed to actually get that? I gotta take it a little easy on her....it probably has been quite an adjustment to go from being just a normal girl, to an american idol reject and then a movie star. Poor girl...I mean poor RICH girl.
All joking aside that would never be a life that I would enjoy. Good thing I'll never have to!

Our church started our 40 days of fasting yesterday. No, we're not catholic but around lent time we start doing this thing where we spend 40 days with an emphasis on praying and then a specific topic. Last year was just on prayer in general and this year we're focusing on the promises of God. I'm really excited to see what's going to happen. I really feel like I'm at a desperate place in life right now and I could use some of God's promises for me to lift me up out of that place.
Steve is doing a full on no food fast and I am just fasting dinners and anything with sugar in it - your wouldn't believe the things that have sugar in it, even non sweet things have sugar in it now a days!
I'm really hoping and praying that this time is a great time of God really speaking to us and meeting with us - both on an individual basis as well as as a couple.

I really do believe in the promise of prayer, and the promises of God for that matter and I know that He hasn't made me so that I can live an unfulfilled life. Right now I feel kind of unfulfilled with a few things. Sometimes I struggle with wondering if that's just the reality of how life is sometimes because of things we have to learn or if it's just plain ridiculous because God has so much more for me than that. Hopefully over these next 40 days I'll begin to get a little more insight into such matters.