<Operation Hot Rod: just random nothingness....
Just living la vida loca!
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Thursday, February 08, 2007
just random nothingness....
I haven't been much of a blogger lately. Most because I've been cold. Ok....well really that's not my excuse for not blogging but I'm presently cold so it seemed like the best excuse to me. The real reason is just because I've been mostly lazy, partly preoccuppied, somewhat busy, and overall boring.

Now that we've got that taken care of......life is good.
Steve and I have been busy with a whole bunch of nothingness. Sometimes it amazes me how life can be so busy but then once someone asks you what you've been up to the common answer is "nothing." That's what we've been up to lately - absolutely nothing but all that nothing has somehow seemed to keep us very busy. Last week a pipe burst in our basement and flooded it so we've been cleaning up that and in the process have gotten rid of a lot of the crap in our basement which has really been quite liberating. We've got along way to go as far as clearing the clutter goes though. We both can be kind of sentimental so it's often hard for either of us to part with the most ridiculous piece of junk.

On another note.....tonight we're going over to have dinner with some friends of ours that we haven't seen for a very long time - well actually we saw them a few months ago but it was at a funeral so that doesn't count - regardless though, I am excited. I hate how sometimes in the process of life relationships seem to get disconnected. I know it's natural and that's part of life but I still don't like it.
I feel like I've been very blessed with wonderful friends throughout my short 27 years of life but having had such great friends as a part of my life in the past really makes it suck when I'm going through the lonely seasons of life when I don't feel like I have those kind of deep relationships.
That's one thing I don't prefer so much about St. Louis - I have a lot of friends here but I can probably count on both hands the amount of really deep friendships I have here. Half of those friendships are with the people that I moved across the country with to live here in the first place. I had a lot of really rich, deep friendships when I lived in Texas and I haven't found to many likeminded people here that I seem to really relate with. After experiencing that greatness with others it just seems so much more evident when there's becomes a loss relationally in that area.
One thing is for sure that both Steve & I are very grateful to have Dale & Missy in our lives. Dale & Miss have been my 2 closest friends in my adult life. I lived in Texas with em, traveled the world with them and then eventually moved here with them. Since then they have gotten married, bought a house, had 2 kids and experienced a lot of life. I really don't know what I would do without them. They've been tossing around the idea of moving back to Texas lately and just thinking about it makes me upset. After experiencing so much with these great friends I could never imagine not having them in my life on a daily basis. Most likely if they end up moving Steve and I will consider it as well. They have become closer than family to us and we love them (and they're 2 gorgeous girls) dearly.

Anyway....those are my random ramblings for the day. It's an extremely slow day at our office so I find myself trying to find something to do to kill time. Sorry that my typing seems to be the remedy for my current case of boredom.