<Operation Hot Rod: Politics
Just living la vida loca!
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Monday, January 22, 2007
I tend to not post to much on my political views. Not because I'm afraid of what people think but more for a reason that I'm embarrassed to admit.....because I don't follow what's going on in the world most of the time.
I know I am a horrible US Citizen and as much as I joke about not
following the decisions that are being made in our country I truly am
ashamed for not being more involved. I know it's the people of America
standing up which brings about change. I pray for our country but I'm
just not so good about following what's happening.

All that to say....
Yesterday as Steve & I were getting ready for church we had the "NBC Today"
show on. I never even knew that the "Today" show came on during the
weekends. They were talking about some new law that they are trying to
pass in California and I was shocked!
I had to stop and ask Steve "are we becoming a communistic country now?"
They are trying to make it a misdemeanor
to spank your children in California if they are less than 4 years
I cannot believe how ridiculous this is!
Don't get me wrong....I am NOT FOR child abuse. When I have children of my own, I
won't spank them until they are old enough to understand why they are
being spanked and if they can handle that. I see that most children
less that 18 months old probably should not be spanked...especially
beings that with a diaper on they won't even know that they're being
But not spanking a 4 year old? Come on people!
Don't they say that the first five years of a child's life is when they need to be disciplined the most?
Sometimes just taking a little time out won't do for the strong willed child in their terrible two's.
It's scary to me some of these type of laws that are going into effect
around our country - not simply because of what the specific issue
relates to, but more simply because it seems our country is getting to
a point where because of all thepsycho's out there we HAVE to have
extreme laws - but it's scary as well that our country is becoming so
policed that sometimes it no longer feels like "the land of the free"

So there you have it - I'll get off my soap box now and let you get back to your day!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i wonder about this too. who is this law trying to target? there are already laws against child abuse. a spanking is not child abuse.

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