<Operation Hot Rod: Pregnant Women
Just living la vida loca!
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Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Pregnant Women
Is this day EVER going to end? That is the question on my mind this afternoon. I'm sitting in my office, waiting and watching the minutes on my clock tick by.
I HATE slow days. I'd rather be swamped with work than not have very much to do. Today is one of those days. Yesterday I finally got the closing from hell (that was supposed to happen back 06) finished with and now that the stress of that is over with I'm at a loss as to what to do with myself.
Maybe it's the weather, it's so cold outside that all I really want to do is curl up on the couch with Steve and watch TV.
When it gets cold out I get extremely lazy.

Anyway....enough of all my complaining. My thoughts of for the day are about pregnant people. Possibley because I have a lot of friends in my life right now who are either pregnant or just had a baby.
I have come to the conclusion that I am not looking forward to getting pregnant. It seems like every pregnant or new mom I know is going through a season of depression. Most of them are for the most part happy, fulfilled ladies that have not struggled with depression before.
What is it with all these hormones? Obviously I know it's a major change but I couldn't imagine just having a baby and experiencing all the emotions that has to go along with that WITHOUT the hormones being all messed up but on top of everything experiencing post pardum depression along with that.
I feel for these gals and hope that someday when Steve & I decide to start a family that the depression part won't hit me in my pregnant/new mom stage. It's gotta be rough.

We've been thinking and talking a lot lately about starting our family. First let me state that we still recognize that we are not ready and have no desire to start a family yet. Give us another 4 years or so ok?
But anyway.....gosh...I don't know how these moms do it. We had my best friend and her husband over the other day with their 6 week old and 20 month old girls and as much as I love these girls they are a handful. I really don't know how Missy does it. There has to be some kind of special grace or something that comes along with being a mom because when I just watch her with her children it confirms in me that I am DEFINATELY not ready to be that responsible and have little ones run around.

I guess I'm just selfish but I like my freedom, I like being able to go out on a friday night and stay out as late as I'd like not have to plan for a babysitter or anything like that. It just seems like such a hassle. I'm sure it's true that when you have little ones the joy of being a parent overshadows all the hassle that comes along with it but I sometimes find myself getting frustrated because we have to plan our day around being home at least every 8 hours to let the dog out to pee.

So these are my random ramblings for the day. Yes, they are boring and wordy and No, I don't care.