<Operation Hot Rod: God's Love...
Just living la vida loca!
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Friday, January 29, 2010
God's Love...
We've been talking a lot about God's love lately in the community group we lead in our home on Wednesdays. This week we talked about the different ways that God chooses to show us He loves us in the midst of the different season we go through in life. Through that, we got started talking about why it is so difficult for us to learn to receive the love that God has for us.

In a society where people come and go in our lives and divorce is rampant in marriages, it's easy to see why we can't comprehend that no matter what we do God still loves us. What is so amazing though is to look back on the process of our lives and see God's love pouring into us through both the hard times and the good times.

I know that God loves me, but sometimes, in my own insecurity and imperfection, I find myself doubting that He really loves me as much as He says He does. I love that in spite of how I view myself though, God's opinion of me never changes. Sure, there are areas that He's always working on in me, but that to is just because He loves me.

This week I've been making a conscious choice to thank God for the great love that He has for me. In doing so, I've found that I'm filled with such a greater degree of love, hope, peace and a greater ability to trust that God has our life in His hands - just like He always has. Sometimes I just need a little nudge to remind me. :)



Blogger Tina said...

THis makes me wish i was at your c. group. Sounds like a great discussion!

Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing! Great to hear such discussions going on in home groups.

Blogger Melissa Thompson said...

GRACE and LOVE...I think I'll spend the rest of my life trying to wrap my little brain around them. How undeserving I am. It's really about what CHRIST already did, not what I can do now. Love you, Bodum!

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