<Operation Hot Rod: No easy buttons here..
Just living la vida loca!
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Wednesday, January 14, 2009
No easy buttons here..
It's one of those rare week days where it's after midnight and I just can't sleep, so I figured what better way to put me to sleep than to blog. :)
We have a community group that meets at our house on Wednesday nights and tonight a new couple stopped in that seem really great and it was very encouraging for me to have some fresh faces join us. It's so crazy because when we first decided to church plant we had no idea what we were getting into nor what to expect. We still are pretty much in the same boat, but it's been so funny for me to look back on the last few months and realize that this church planting business is so much harder and so much easier at the same time than I would have ever expected.
Without a doubt the hardest part for me was the season when I was living up here in Madison alone. On top of that it's been hard now that Steve's been here 2 months and is still having an impossible time finding a job. Also, it's been hard to get out of my comfort zone and make new friends because I miss my friends back home terribly, but most of the time I just feel that it's really hard but don't really know it is that makes it so hard if that makes sense.
As for the the easy part? The easy part has been depending on God. We have nothing else left to depend on and know that God is our only source and only hope and learning to rely on Him to provide our every need and give us the necessary grace to sustain us has really been our only option, which has really made our faith stronger. We really have nothing else to do but to hope in God and I have learned so much in the recent months about what it really means to put my trust in God and for that I am so grateful.
Because of all of that I have so much hope for the future and for what God has for this church that He would call 8 "nobodies" from St. Louis to sell their houses, pack up and move and start a church. We really are nothing without the grace of God, but we have everything because He is going before us.
Right now we're starting out small, but I'm encouraged with the great people that God has brought into our paths, not only for our church, but even apart from the church I feel equally blessed to have made some great friends to share life with here in Madison.
I find myself chuckling whenever I see that Staples commercial that has the "easy" button on it, because I find myself wishing that everything in life had an "easy" button to push. But then I have to stop and realize that if everything were easy I would never be challenged, never grow and never learn. As much as I absolutely hate hitting the rough patches in life I can't help but feel so grateful for all the obstacles I've had to overcome and all that I've learned through the overcoming. I know that this rough, starting out season will pass and instead of wishing it away or waiting for a better day I want to learn to embrace all that it has for me and learn as much as I can through the process. Thank God that He promises to never give me more than what I can handle!
And with that I think I'll try to get some sleep.....

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I still think I prefer the easy button.

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