<Operation Hot Rod: You Never Change...
Just living la vida loca!
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Thursday, November 06, 2008
You Never Change...
I've been doing a lot of thinking lately. That's what happens when you don't have a job or husband around to hang out with - you think because you have tons of free time.

Anyway...this morning I was just thinking about how God never changes. I've been so frustrated with some of the circumstances of life right now. Namely being the above mentioned lack of job and husband in my life. These last few weeks have been really frustrating, discouraging and just all around hard. It seems like I'm constantly asking God "what are you doing?" and haven't seem to get very many answers.
This morning as I was drinking my morning cup of tea and watching the leaves fall off the tree in our front yard I started thinking about how stable and consistent God is. As a nation we're in a very unstable time right now, as an individual I'm also in a very unstable state. I'm not a huge fan of surprises and prefer to plan rather than fly by the seat of my pants.
One thing I'm so grateful for though is that God never changes. I was reminded this morning of all the great times in my life where everything seemed just perfect and nothing could move me and it was then that I remembered that God is the same God now as He was then. Maybe life's a little uncertain right now, but when I look at the big picture I know that in 5 years I'll look back and see that it all turned out beautifully.
In the midst of all my discouragement that gives me so much hope to hold on to right now. I still don't what exactly God is doing, but I know that I can trust Him and all I can really do at this point is take one day at a time - and for that I choose to be glad.
