<Operation Hot Rod: dreaming of scientology....
Just living la vida loca!
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Wednesday, October 01, 2008
dreaming of scientology....
Last night I had a dream that I was at a party and stumbled upon Suri Cruise (Tom Cruise & Katie Holmes daugher for those of you that don't read Perez). Anyway, it was such a weird dream, she was scared because she lost her parents, so I was carrying her all over town trying to find Tom & Katie for her, I even stole someone's moped and drove it around with her looking for her crazy parents.

Anyway..the dream was very weird and very random and I had to chuckle at myself a little bit once I woke up.
I don't dream very often, so when I do and it's so random and crazy like this I just have to wonder where that could have come from. HaHa!
