I'm ashamed to admit that it's been since I lived in Texas since I've been to the denist - roughly about 7 years. Miraculously I am still completely cavity free! That's right folks - to this day I have not yet had one cavity ever. That's the good news.
The bad news is that that last week when i went to the dentist he was very concerned about my jaw. You see it pops.....a lot. Almost every time I open my mouth actually. Sometimes it locks up too and I can't even open my mouth. I've had this problem since I was in high school so I haven't thought much of it although it can be very painful and annoying at times. The dentist was more concerned than I was and sent me off to an oral surgeon.
All that leads me to yesterday morning.....
Upon arriving at the surgeons office for an evaluation I was told that neither my health NOR dental insurance would cover any of the expenses that came along with jaw problems. Well....I almost lost it.....not out of anger but because of the money these little visits were going to cost me a lot.
The assistant led me back to the little dental cubicle to wait for the surgeon to come in to evaluate me. I saw there in the big ol' chair, knowing that I'd probably be there awhile before the doctor came in. I started thinking and got upset. In just the last week alone steve and I have put over $900.00 on our credit card to pay for getting our car fixed and other medical stuff (steve got his wisdom teeth out). I then started thinking about just how expensive my little trip to the oral surgeon would be....not just on this day but to fix the problem in the long run. Needless to say I got depressed. I actually started crying a little as I sat there in the dentists chair thinking about all these expenses and the lack of money we had in the bank. I was feeling sorry for myself, but I admit I felt a little justified.
There happened to be a window in the little room I was sitting in that was facing the the street outside. In the midst of feeling sorry for myself I looked out the window and saw a hearse drive by followed by a lengthy funeral procession.
In that moment I felt I got so much perspective. Yes, I'm still a little stressed about some of the bills coming in, but I'm not lying in the back of a hearse on my way to be buried in the ground. Neither am in in a limo grieving the loss of a loved one.
I would MUCH rather be worried about my finances than having to deal with either one of those options.
No matter what I'm facing in life I can pretty much almost always think of someone that's going through something much worse than I am. It's in those moments of realizing that I really don't have it all that bad off after all that I feel grateful for God's grace. I am so grateful that He never gives me more than what I can handle. It not only gives me hope for the problems I face now, but it gives me hope for the future too.
The bad news is that that last week when i went to the dentist he was very concerned about my jaw. You see it pops.....a lot. Almost every time I open my mouth actually. Sometimes it locks up too and I can't even open my mouth. I've had this problem since I was in high school so I haven't thought much of it although it can be very painful and annoying at times. The dentist was more concerned than I was and sent me off to an oral surgeon.
All that leads me to yesterday morning.....
Upon arriving at the surgeons office for an evaluation I was told that neither my health NOR dental insurance would cover any of the expenses that came along with jaw problems. Well....I almost lost it.....not out of anger but because of the money these little visits were going to cost me a lot.
The assistant led me back to the little dental cubicle to wait for the surgeon to come in to evaluate me. I saw there in the big ol' chair, knowing that I'd probably be there awhile before the doctor came in. I started thinking and got upset. In just the last week alone steve and I have put over $900.00 on our credit card to pay for getting our car fixed and other medical stuff (steve got his wisdom teeth out). I then started thinking about just how expensive my little trip to the oral surgeon would be....not just on this day but to fix the problem in the long run. Needless to say I got depressed. I actually started crying a little as I sat there in the dentists chair thinking about all these expenses and the lack of money we had in the bank. I was feeling sorry for myself, but I admit I felt a little justified.
There happened to be a window in the little room I was sitting in that was facing the the street outside. In the midst of feeling sorry for myself I looked out the window and saw a hearse drive by followed by a lengthy funeral procession.
In that moment I felt I got so much perspective. Yes, I'm still a little stressed about some of the bills coming in, but I'm not lying in the back of a hearse on my way to be buried in the ground. Neither am in in a limo grieving the loss of a loved one.
I would MUCH rather be worried about my finances than having to deal with either one of those options.
No matter what I'm facing in life I can pretty much almost always think of someone that's going through something much worse than I am. It's in those moments of realizing that I really don't have it all that bad off after all that I feel grateful for God's grace. I am so grateful that He never gives me more than what I can handle. It not only gives me hope for the problems I face now, but it gives me hope for the future too.
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