<Operation Hot Rod: Sin and Leaving God Out of the Picture.
Just living la vida loca!
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Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Sin and Leaving God Out of the Picture.

Steve and I are leading this group at church called H20.
This group is really cool actually it's for anyone that isn't quite sure about what they think about Jesus and Christianity. It's very non-threatening and really the group is just intended to be thought provoking. We watch a 30 minute video about different aspects of Jesus every week and then have a little discussion time.
Although these are geared for those that don't really know if they believe in Jesus I have taken away something every week that really challenges me.

Last night's episode was about how we were born into a sinful world.
There was a lot of good points but the very last sentence on the video was what got me thinking. They said " Jesus is so in love with you that He would rather die than have to live forever without you." That's something we've all heard before - of course scripture in the Bible basically says the same thing but for some reason it got to my heart last night and made me feel so grateful for that love that Jesus has for me.
I think of my husband. We have only been married just 1 short year. In that time though my heart has become so connected to his. I literally could not imagine my future without Steve in it. I think it's safe to say that I would rather die than have to live without him. No, I'm not getting suicidal or anything like that, but for some reason the heart of Jesus has seemed a lot more real to me since I've become married. It's the being in love aspect of Jesus that I'm feeling more of.
I couldn't imagine feeling the way I do about Steve if that love was not reciprocated. What if I loved him like I do from afar but didn't really have a relationship with him? Besides the fact that in human standards I would pretty much be creepy and stalkerish I coudln't imagine the pain that it would bring to my heart to love him as much as I do and not have a relationship with him. It's because of the close relationship that I have with my husband that I love him so much anyway.
Thinking of that gives me a glimpse into the heart of Jesus. I can't imagine how heartbreaking it must be for him when I leave him out. I can't imagine how great His love for me must be that He would die for me even when we had absolutely NO relationship at all. In fact He was willing to die for me in just the simple hopes that we could have a relationship in the future.
I have a realtionship with Jesus, but I can't say that I'm always focused on and in tune with him. Just like I would be devastated if my husband were to ignore me or leave me out I can't imagine how Jesus feels every time I do that to him. And it happens - a lot.
I know I'm human and therefore not (nor will I ever be) perfect, but when I think about Jesus in this aspect the word "sin" all the sudden doesn't seem gruesome enough to describe what I do to the heart of God.
Really it all boils down to leaving God out - whether it be a decision we make to "sin", or good intentions we have that we never even thought to ask God's opinion on. "Sinning" really is just leaving God out of the picture.
I would hate it if Steve came home with a brand new car and $25,000.00 worth of debt because of it - why? Because of the money we now would owe of course but more because he left me out of a major decision. More than making me mad it would make me feel worthless and hurt. I think that's how Jesus must feel every time we leave him out and decide to go our own way. Anger lasts for just a moment, but when you're hurt by someone you are desperately in love with it's pain that doesn't seem to go away all that easily.
Anyway....those are just my thoughts for the day. I love how God is always so faithful to give me revelations of his Heart. Most of the time I have the same revelation over and over again because it never quite really seems to sink in the first time, but I guess that's all part of learning.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You wrote all that at 4:00 AM! I can't even say my ABC's that early.

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