<Operation Hot Rod: Deliriou5?
Just living la vida loca!
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Thursday, April 05, 2007

Last night Steve & I went to a Delirious concert. Delirious was one of my favorite bands when I was in high school and to this day I really still like them. I"m not quite as into them as I was in my teen years but nonetheless it was great.

I've seen this band live many, many times but last night was different for me. Maybe because it's been a few years and so much has changed in my life since the last time I saw them live but for some reason I was overcome with emotion when I saw them last night. Music affects me in such a deep place of my heart. It always has and still to this day does.
Music is the one thing (besides my husband) that can instantly change my mood or bring tears to my eyes. It just touches me like that. I love music. So much in fact that it's constantly playing in my house, car, cubicle at work or pretty much wherever I am - the music always just seem to go with me.

But back to my emotional evening.....it brought some memories for me to be at this concert. Delirious has written some amazing worship songs. Early on in my teen years God began to put a passion in me for worship and this band was a band that really helped fuel that. Fast foward to the present - a good 12 or so years later. I traveled the world for a few years playing music and now have settled down here in St. Louis and Steve & I are now the worship leaders at our church.

Unfortunately though I just don't feel as passionate about what we're doing now as I have in the past and that saddens me. For awhile I've brushed away the reason for feeling this way as simply becuase I'm older and more mature now. I have more knowledge to go alongside with my passion, but still something feels wrong.
At this concert last night I was just reminded of the time in my life as a teen when the music of this band spoke volumes to my heart and in response I felt closer to the heart of God. I miss the way that music used to touch me back in those days. I still touches me now, just in a different way.

Being at this concert brought me back to a place with God though that I've been missing for awhile......it's a place called simplicity. Life is crazy, as I get older it just gets crazier. Responsibility is constantly calling my name. I'm no longer a teenager in the care of someone else but now I'm an adult expected to care for those someones. What a huge responsibility - not only to others but to God as well.
Last night though it felt good to feel simplicity. It was great to listen to good music and sit and ponder about God and not have to worry about anyone else. I honestly can't remember the last time I was in a worship service ANYWHERE that Steve & I weren't leading and it was like a breath of fresh air. I felt God taking me back to that place of simplicity with him and I was overcome with emotion. The God that felt so near as I listened to the sounds of those amazing musicians back when I was 16 is the same God that touches my heart and brings me new life every day.

I felt God calling me back to the basics and out of the complex last night and it just felt like a huge burden has been lifted off my shoulders. It was very refreshing and just what I needed and I'm grateful for that.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

does steve know how you wanted to marry martin for years? :) this is what i want to know...

and i also know what you mean. GOd has been speaking similar things to me lately, and since we were both teenagers together, i know we were both impacted by similar things... He's been reminding me lately of those things that captured me.

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