<Operation Hot Rod: What I've Learned Through My 1st Year Of Marriage
Just living la vida loca!
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Tuesday, April 24, 2007
What I've Learned Through My 1st Year Of Marriage
What 1 year of marriage has taught me thus far:

- That I'm REALLY selfish
- That men really do change their clothes more often than women and I have the laundry to prove it!
- That It's true that you can fall more in love with someone every day
- That Men like to eat....a lot and if they don't get to eat a lot and often they become very cranky
- That all 3 Terminator movies are basically the same. I probably know the script for each of them by heart by now too.
- That silence is okay sometimes
- That subtitles are okay in movies - only if they're kung fu movies though
- That two really are better than one
- That sometimes a man just needs a hug and an "i love you" to change his whole disposition
- That men really aren't mind readers even though us women are
- That some men do really drive slower than my grandmother and my husband happens to be one of them
- That although women take forever to get ready it's usually the man that makes the family late thanks to his over sleeping
- That home really is where the heart is when you know somebody you love is waiting for you there at the end of the day
- That if your watching a movie with a battle scene in it you should never talk during the most intense battle of the movie
- That you really do need a different amp for every guitar that you own
- That having your best friend around to hang out with all the time is pretty much the coolest thing ever
- That Jet Lee is pretty much the master of martial arts - period.
- That it's okay to be a girl and act weird like we do sometimes - if he wanted a man he would be gay and he's not so it's ok.
- That I will never cook as good as him mom but that's okay too.
- That it's really nice to not have to make the minor decisions anymore that used to stress me out - you know decisions like if I want my coffee hot or iced today - instead of stressing I just have steve get me whatever he feels like so we can share, it not only saves on stress but saves money if we share to, then if I don't like it I have someone to blame too so it's good (for me at least) all around the board

These are just a few of the many things I've learned in my first short year of marriage.
It has been a good one. I wonder what kind of wisdom I'll have to share with ya'll next year.....I'm sure you're all eagerly waiting in anticipation.
