<Operation Hot Rod: Puggle Blessings....
Just living la vida loca!
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Monday, April 23, 2007
Puggle Blessings....

This morning I took the dog for a walk in the park. I left the house a little frustrated cause I couldn't get my ipod to work. I like listening to music and don't really enjoy silence so much so I wasn't really looking forward to this walk.

While I was walking I was just thinking about praying about a few things. I kept asking God why He hadn't yet provided me another job. It seems logical that because I'm miserable at my current job, God would just give me something new the minute I asked him for it. He doesn't want me to be miserable right???

Anyway...I was musing as I walked and I'll admit I was a little frustrated with God. All of the sudden though Guinness jerked on his leash and it interrupted my thoughts. He had seen a bird up ahead and wanted to chase it. It was so cute how his little puggle face go all wrinkled in his excitment.

I was reminded of when we got Guinness last October. I had never had never had a dog before but Steve has grown up with them in his family. I really wanted to get Steve a dog but at the same time since I wasn't really a dog person I wanted to get something that I liked too. I had always loved pugs until I heard of puggles - a pug/beagle mix. They are very cute - so cute in fact that they are now called "designer dogs." Apparently it's THE new breed to get in hollywood. Because of this as you can imagine they are pricey. They start at at about $1,000.00.
I REALLY wanted a puggle but of course we weren't going to pay this for a dog. I searched high and low for a a puggle, both in state and in surrounding states and found out that they're not only pricey but it's imossible to find breeders.
Finally I brought up to Steve that I'd like to get a dog for him. He was really excited. After that I logged into our local pug rescue site expecting to see the same old dogs I had seen on there every other day I had looked. They don't get too many new dogs and when they do they're normally pugs that are at deaths door from recently being rescued from a puppy mill. I had never seen puggles on there so I figured we probably would have to settle for a pug instead.
To my suprise though a puggle had just been added to the list of available dogs. I was so excited and it seemed too good to be true.
I called to get some more info and set up an appointment to come meet this dog. I was shocked to find out that this dog was only 2 years old and didn't have ANYTHING wrong with him. Most of the dogs from the rescue sites are pretty old and require lots of attention because of abuse they have suffered. This dog was dropped off by a lady that was moving and wasn't able to take her puppy with her.
We set up an appointment to meet this puppy and we fell in love! Guinness (he was named "rocko" at the time) was only in the rescue shelter for 2 days before we came along. He was completely house trained (something I was very afraid of and not looking forward to with a puppy) fixed, and up to date on all his shots.

That was last October and now this puppy is a part of our family and we love him to pieces!

So...as I was walking I was reminded of all this and about how God had provided excactly what we wanted in a dog. It really was such a blessing. It brought to my mind ALL of the times that God has provided for me - He really has blessed and given me the desires of my heart.
It was then that I got what God was trying to speak to me by reminding me of the story of our dog. If He was faithful enough to provide for me the exact dog I wanted why should I doubt that He's not in the process of finding me a job that I'll enjoy?
God has proven to me over and over again that He not only loves to bless me but loves to bless me through the little details that may seem insignifant to others. God not only gives me what I want but he always goes above and beyond what I could imagine.
So...yes, I am miserable at my job but I'm realizing that I need to trust more in God and His process. I need to be patient and learn the lessons He's trying to teach me through this season of misery. I know that it won't be like this forever and that there has got to be a reason why God still has me in the career that I'm in and I'm trying to embrace that and every lesson He has for me through this season.

Somtimes I just need to be reminded that God is more concerned about the process then He is the end result and it's the charater He's building (and revealing) in me at this time that really is the most important.