<Operation Hot Rod: just thoughts from a blonde...
Just living la vida loca!
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Tuesday, October 24, 2006
just thoughts from a blonde...
Life is good. Steve and I had a great weekend. He turned 25 on Saturday and I couldn't be happier!
I like it simply because of the fact that now in theory he's only 2 years younger than me rather than 3 so I don't feel as old. I guess that's kind of selfish of me eh?

So we took a drive to along the Mississippi river and it was beautiful and relaxing. We've really been lacking on the quality time together lately so it was nice to just drive and talk. It's so funny how you can live with someone and wake up with them beside you every morning and still somehow in the busy-ness of life get disconnected. This shouldn't be the case and is definitely not a habit I want to put into effect with our marriage. By the way.....in a few days it will be 6 months since we've been married!
Yea for that.

So our weekend was full of fun and full of friends although it was a little to busy with all the events we were scurrying around to.

My thoughts lately have been on making time for what's most important. Sure....work is how we make money which is how we live, just like paying the bills and cleaning the house is important. But really, apart from the commitments that HAVE to be made i'm sick of wasting my time on the stuff that is just that - a waste of time! Of course I'm not an idiot and I do see the practical side of all of this and the balance that needs to be kept, but I do want to spend more time on what's really important in life.
Things like family, friends and living life to the fullest. I don't want to hold on to things that shouldn't be a part of my life in the first place. With Steve's new work schedule I've found myself many times wanting to just sit at home on the monday and tuesday nights that he works late and watch TV because really I just wanna feel sorry for myself because my husband isn't able to spend that time with me. I wish I instead would use the time to be productive. We all know I need it. My office is a mess and needs some serious filing - filing that otherwise would be taking up the time I could be out having fun with my husband when he isn't working.
The fall kind of feels like more of the new year to me than the actual new year does. I always find myself wanting to set new goals and priorities in the fall more than I seem to want to in January so I guess why i'm trying to restructure my life a little bit right now.

So.....those are my thoughts. It's nothing important really, just something to chew on.