<Operation Hot Rod: roses on the porch make for a happy day!
Just living la vida loca!
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Wednesday, October 18, 2006
roses on the porch make for a happy day!

My morning started off rough....Steve goes to work every day at 5 and usually I get up at 4:30 to make him some breakfast and a latte. I really don't mind because I feel like I'm not wasting my day away when I get up so early and I always get so much more accomplished.
This morning though was different. I was SO tired and as soon as my alarm went off I was automatically in a bad mood.
Off Steve went to work and I was stuck at home doing laundry until I went into the office for the day.
Lately I've been feeling sorry for myself a lot - I admit it. I guess it's the whole newness of marriage wearing off. Before I just loved having the house clean for Steve and I still do for that matter but lately I've been overwhelmed with keeping up with the house, the laundry, paying the bills, and my own full time job.
Sometimes I feel like I have to be Wonder Women to get everything done. I can't imagine how it must feel to be a mom and that is why I'm not ready to have kids.

Anyway.....so I felt pissed- not at Steve just at some of the circumstances of life right now. We've been SO busy lately that we haven't even had much time for the two of us and if any of ya'll know anything about the book "The Five Love Languages" (which I would highly recommend by the way) my pictures should be next to the "Quality Time" chapter. When I'm lacking in quality time I just feel like a car with it's gas tank on empty running on fumes.

After downing my morning latte and cleaning the house a little I decided to take the dog out for a walk before I got ready for work. When I opened up my front door there was a vase with roses in it and a bag with some fresh vegetables in it and a note from my friend just reminding me that she loved me and that was all I needed to completely turn the day the around.

Sometimes just a reminder that you're loved changes your whole perspective on everything and today that was all I needed to turn my day around. :)