<Operation Hot Rod: Just a little mix up....
Just living la vida loca!
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Friday, December 11, 2009
Just a little mix up....
My mom is excited (to say the least) that she is going to be a grandmother.
When she asked me what we wanted for Christmas this year, I told her baby stuff - and stuff that was practical, not just like cute teddy bears or things like that.

So, the other day I got a box in the mail from Target. There was a gift nicely wrapped with a little card that had a printed message from my mom on it. Imagine my surprise when I opened it up and it was a handheld Tetris game. Wow. At first I thought my mother had gone off the deep end, until I looked at the packing slip and saw that it was actually supposed to be accessories for a breast pump.

Steve and I had a good laugh when we realized that some little boy somewhere was going to open his box, find MY breast pump accessories and think that Santa thought he must have been a naughty boy this year in order to receive something that must seem so repulsive to a 9 year old boy!

Needless to say, the Tetris game is getting returned.



Anonymous jas said...

that's funny!

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