<Operation Hot Rod: Roses and a Hip Grannie
Just living la vida loca!
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Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Roses and a Hip Grannie

Further evidence to prove that I truly have the nicest, most thoughtful husband in the world. This is what I came home to on Monday.
So, so sweet!

On to other funny news, I got a Halloween card from my 91 year old Grandmother yesterday. No, the fact that she sends us Halloween cards isn't what's funny, although it is kind of funny. Growing up we've always got cards for every holiday from our grandparents, Halloween, Thanksgiving and so forth. Usually the cards always have a check for $5.00 (but I noticed it got bumped up to $10.00 this year for Halloween!) in them as well. Anyway, back to Grandma. So, the card she sent had a nicely typed up letter telling me all about her new computer.

She's had email for awhile on her old laptop, and it always kind of confused her, but now that she has a hot new desktop she's really living on the edge and decided to download skype! Really my mom did the download part, but I think it's totally cool that a 91 year old is that willing to branch out and learn something new - even though it would be easier to sit in her recliner and watch old episodes of Little House on the Prairie (no joke, her and my mom LOVE that show).

We actually haven't had a chance to skype her yet, so I don't think she'll really understand how it works until we do, but she's so cute how she's all hip and cutting edge in her 91 years of age.
I can't wait to see my sweet grandmother's reaction when she realizes that she can actually see us live when she talks to us over the computer!
