<Operation Hot Rod: Good/Bad
Just living la vida loca!
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Monday, October 05, 2009
We had a rollercoaster of a weekend with lots of goods and bads.

Friday night:

Bad - going to a visitation for a friend of Steve's that was way to young to die. He was just 26 years old and had four kids. We were supposed to have dinner with him tonight and then he was going to go with us to a Monday Night Football party some friends are throwing. So sad.
Good - after the visitation hanging out at Borders with Steve and just looking at books at magazines. I can't remember the last time we got to just spend quality time together doing nothing that involved planning for church stuff or things we need to take care of around the house. It was so nice!


Good - Sleeping in until 7:00 am, strawberry waffles for breakfast, finding a great deal on new floors for our basement and spending time with some great new friends that are absolutely fantastic!
Bad - Forking out a lot of money to get my car worked on, running errands that seemed to take forever, cleaning the house, getting completely overwhelmed at home depot, working on our budget, cleaning the hair out of the bathroom drain - total yuck!

I'll leave it at that. Sunday was just overall blah and not very exciting. I did get three loads of laundry done though!


Anonymous jas said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your husbands friend. I'm glad you have the ability to look at both the positives and the negatives!

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