<Operation Hot Rod: The Great American Dream....
Just living la vida loca!
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Friday, September 25, 2009
The Great American Dream....
Happy Friday! I'm so happy to see the weekend! Steve and I haven't really seen each other at all this week as every night one of us has been out with friends, so I've really been missing my husband.

I'm looking forward to hanging out with Steve tonight, even though our evening consists of planning for Sunday's worship set at our church our putting together our teaching for next week's community group. At least we'll be together.

It's been kind of a blah week for me. I'm not sure if its due to the rainy weather or what.

These are the things that have been on my mind this week:

1. How much I miss Missy and her kids

2. What I'm going to do about these seemingly endless uncomfortable situations/life drama that people seem to constantly feel the need to get us involved in that really should be none of our business or concern.

3. Trying to be positive and understand God's heart for fresh perspective about some of the above mentioned drama and what my reaction should be.

4. Trying to cope with the fact that our life will most likely never be "normal".

What is a normal life anyway, and does anyone really have that? I would venture to say no. I will say though, that I just feel really not normal compared to a lot of other people I know.

I'll be honest that sometimes I do wish for "The Great American Dream"...complete with a nice house, lots of kids to love on, and financial security. I know that most of this (besides the kid part) is just "stuff" and I feel selfish just because of the fact that I sometimes find myself wishing for this.

This lifestyle that I'm referring to all sounds to good to be true, and most likely it is, but sometimes I just can't help but wish that life were a little slower paced and we weren't always flying by the seat of our pants in every single area of life. Being the detailed person that I am, I've grown a lot in this area of learning to be flexible and not having it all together (as if I ever did), but still sometimes I wish that I wasn't always having to learn to be flexible. I know that our crazy life is our choice, but still sometimes I can't help but wish it wasn't quite as crazy as it is.

On the other hand though, I know I'm not made for normal and if I really did have that great American dream that I sometimes think I so badly want, then I probably wouldn't be happy. I guess it all comes down to a matter of perspective. For now though, I want to learn to savor every minute of every season of life that I have and learn as much as possible in the process about what life's really about and what truly is important. When I really think about it that way, a nice house definitely finds itself at the very bottom of my priority list.



Anonymous krista said...

aw juana! if you ever want to talk to someone about this kind of stuff that TOTALLY understands- i'm here! :) and your #2? if you find a solution let me know, but on one hand i think it's just part of pastoring and teaching people how to walk through stuff. you almost always feel like you 'know too much'. miss you and think that we really need to arrange a meet up somewhere- fancy a trip to kenya? :)

Anonymous krista said...

aw juana! if you ever want to talk to someone about this kind of stuff that TOTALLY understands- i'm here! :) and your #2? if you find a solution let me know, but on one hand i think it's just part of pastoring and teaching people how to walk through stuff. you almost always feel like you 'know too much'. miss you and think that we really need to arrange a meet up somewhere- fancy a trip to kenya? :)

Blogger Out Loud said...

oh the joys of african internet, sorry about the multiple comments. ;)

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