<Operation Hot Rod: Choosing to love
Just living la vida loca!
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Thursday, August 13, 2009
Choosing to love
I've been thinking about love these last few days and how complicated acting in love can be.
Of course doing the "right" thing is always the most loving, but what about those times when there's not a clear-cut right or wrong solution? Sometimes the right answer seems to be multi-faceted. Obviously choosing to love someone is choosing the highest good for them, but what about those times when you don't know what that highest good is?

Those are the things I've been pondering lately and I still haven't really found a way to reconcile these questions in my heart. I've had to search my heart and make sure that the love I'm choosing to show comes from a pure heart with no motives and strings attached on my end. When emotions get involved things always get tricky.

I'm trying to step out of the situation look at things from a broader perspective and figure out how I can best show love to some of the people in my life that really need it now, but I'm struggling to figure out what kind of action that means on my part.

I still am not sure I have any of the answers that I need, but I feel encouraged when I look back on the life of Jesus and how He chose to love. Sometimes it was in a gentle way, sometimes it was a tough love and other times he loved completely with actions and no words at all. I may not have all of the answers that I need, but I'm thankful that I have such an awesome example to model myself after. In the meantime though....love stinks, yeah, yeah!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

You challenge me in so many ways. Hope you get all the answers you're looking for.

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