<Operation Hot Rod: New Life and a Mother's Love
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Friday, July 24, 2009
New Life and a Mother's Love
Last night I went out to dinner with Sarah and afterwards we stopped by Ben & Katie's to see their new little bundle of joy. Phin was born on Tuesday and is so cute! There is nothing like looking at a newborn peacefully sleeping in its brand new environment. I just can't imagine what it must be like to be a parent and watch this little human that you created grow up and experience life. It really got me thinking as I was listening to Katie describe how even after her exhausting labor all she wanted to do was love on and take care of her new little boy rather than rest.

The other night I was over at Chris & Christina's and loved watching the interaction between Christina and Liliana when Chris brought Liliana home from her toddler swim classes. Not only was Liliana's joy evident after seeing her momma again after just a few hours, but Christina lit up when she saw her little girl. I have always loved the way that Christina is passionate about living life to the fullest, but nothing has compared to watching her this last year since they've adopted Liliana and she's become a mommy. Life has changed in a drastic way and I love to see the love that she has for her daughter.

Watching her has made me so thankful for my own mom, and as I get older I find that I'm always finding new things that I appreciate about my mom. I remember the summer after I graduated from high school I'd often find my mom sitting in our living room, kleenex box in hand, crying because she couldn't believe that I was all grown up and moving to the other side of the country to leave her alone. At the time I made fun of her and was completely embarrassed about the way she couldn't hide her love for me, but now, even though I have no children and still can't really relate to her, I can only imagine how hard that must have been to send "her baby" out into a giant world and just hope and pray that she's instilled enough of the "good stuff" in me so that I would make it.

Letting us kids go once we were ready was probably the most difficult task that my mother had in the 18 years that she had spent raising us, even in spite of being abandoned by my father to raise two kids on her own. She did a pretty good job and both Andy and I turned out all right, but I know that part of my mom still wants to be the mom who fixes all of our problems and makes everything better and that will probably never change.
I couldn't help but laugh last weekend as Steve & I left Minneapolis and said good-bye to my stepmother who was balling like a baby because we were leaving her. My mom does the same thing every time that we come home for a visit and she has to take us back to the airport. I know that some things will never change and rather than be annoyed by it I really want to choose to appreciate that I am so loved by both of the woman in my life that have watched me grow up.

I only hope and pray that when the day comes for Steve and I to have kids that our kids will always know how much they are loved by us the way that I always knew I was loved by my mom when I was growing up.

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Blogger Christina said...

you are going to be an amazing mom, just like you are an amazing wife!

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