<Operation Hot Rod: Encouraged and Excited....
Just living la vida loca!
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Monday, July 06, 2009
Encouraged and Excited....

Hanging out with the guys at Dexter's on the 4th.

We had a great weekend with the guys here, but I am so worn out. The last 2 weeks have been crazy and I'm ready for some down time, which at this point it's looking I'm not going to get for another few weeks yet.

Yesterday was an exciting day. I went and bought a coffee machine for our church. After I got home I pulled out the new bean grinder that I had also purchased for the church last week and made myself a cup of coffee with our new equipment. I know it may seem silly, but it was so exciting for me to actually be putting together church supplies because it means we're growing! We've gone from just 6 of us meeting in our living room on Monday nights to buying church coffee supplies to welcome people to our first public (as in not meeting in a home) service next Sunday.
This has been such a crazy journey, but it's good to look back on each step we've taken along the way and see how God has put all of the details together. Last year at this time a church coffee machine was the last thing on our mind. We were still back in St. Louis packing up our belongings, waiting to sell our house and move up into the unknown. Now we have a new house and life here in Madison and are actually holding Sunday morning church services. How cool is that??

It is just so encouraging for me to look back on all that we've gone through in the last year and know that it wasn't all for nothing. I know that we still have a long ways to go, but I'm fine with trusting in the process and enjoying (or trying to) the ride - bumps along the road and all. God truly has been so good to us!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

How neat!

Blogger Tina said...

I love that you are excited about church coffee!

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