<Operation Hot Rod: Lost on LOST...
Just living la vida loca!
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Friday, January 23, 2009
Lost on LOST...
LOST! Okay, I'm partially excited and partially extremely frustrated with the season premier of Lost. I've been looking forward to some new episodes for a long time.
We had some friends over and had a little Lost party on Wednesday to celebrate our favorite show coming back.

The thing that really frustrates me though is that they also seem to bring all of these different angles into all of the mystery and make things even more confusing rather than answering questions! AGH! I just want to know what is happening.

This is my theory from premiere, but what do I know? Here goes, I remember in season 3 (or maybe it was season 4) when Desmond had his encounter with Daniel in England. At the time Daniel talked to Desmond about the whole "constant" factor. With all this time travel you had to have a constant to hold onto in both lifetimes to keep you from going crazy which would eventually result in death. One of my theories about the reason why the 6 survivors back home have to go back to the Island is because they have to be the constants for all the survivors still on the Island. Parts of that don't make sense though because Ben is the one saying that they have to go back and he obviously doesn't care if the survivors on the Island live or die.

Anyway....all that to say I'm intrigued and can't wait to see what happens next.
From what I heard the show will be ending and all will be revealed in 2010, so I'm interested to see how they wrap everything up.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was frustrated with more confusion as well. I tried to get into Lost by watching it last season, but I think I'm going to give up after watching the premier last week. You'll have to let me know if if gets any better.

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