<Operation Hot Rod: Weekend Update...
Just living la vida loca!
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Sunday, March 01, 2009
Weekend Update...

Steve's artwork on our kitchen table

We had such a busy weekend that I was almost happy for it to end.
Most of Saturday was spent grocery shopping and running errands. I have come to hate grocery shopping here in Madison. We have an employee owned grocery store here that is not only huge but really cheap as well. Needless to say we get most of our groceries there, but I always leave in a bad mood because I find myself getting so frustrated with the large amounts of people that always seem to be there. Not to mention that fact that it seems like only rude people shop there. It seems like without fail every single time I go there I end up getting run into with a cart a few times and feel like I'm the only person in the entire store that knows how to say "excuse me." I'd like to just stick with Copps when it comes to groceries, but I can't justify spending a lot more money just to say myself from an extra hour of frustration every week.
Enough of my ranting though, on Saturday night we have an X-Men movie marathon and had a pretty full house. I'll admit that by the time the first movie was finished I was already sick of being a couch potato, but everyone else seemed really into it and we had a good time.

I spent the majority of Sunday working on our taxes and then in the evening we went to the High Noon Saloon to volunteer to man the T-shirt and information booth for a concert that benefited The Literacy Network. We actually had a really good time and it was amazing how quickly the time passed and our shift was over.

Is it horrible that I'm already really excited for next weekend and it's only Monday morning? I'm really looking forward to hopefully sleeping in next Saturday and am already counting down the days until I can be lazy for just a few hours.


Blogger Charisa said...

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Blogger Charisa said...

Funny, I always felt the same way you do after leaving Woodman's! I'd always go at the worst times too. Weekends seemed to be the worst, especially the "after church" crowd on Sundays. I even thought the workers were rude too! Good luck next week!

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