<Operation Hot Rod: The weekend events (or lack thereof)
Just living la vida loca!
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Monday, April 07, 2008
The weekend events (or lack thereof)
We've had a frustrating weekend! I started on Thursday when Steve's back started hurting. He called in sick to work on Friday and has pretty much been out of commission the entire weekend. He's not going to work today either and I'm making an appointment for him to go see the chiropractor this afternoon.

It's so frustrating as this is such a pivotal time with us as we're spending every minute we have to put into getting our house ready to sell. We were actually supposed to be out of town this weekend but we decided last week that we should cancel so that we could put that time into our house. Instead though, Steve hurt his back and somehow also ended up with food poisoning (or some horrible illness) that has pretty much restricted him to the couch or bed for the last 4 days. It's SO frustrating and I feel so bad for Steve.

On another note, we heard of a family that's getting ready to adopt a child from China that will be having a garage sale pretty soon to raise money and it has really motivated me to get on the ball with getting rid of more crap! It's made it so easy to part with stuff that I normally would have a hard time giving up because I know it's going towards a good cause! In less than an hour this weekend and I had already filled two boxes of stuff that I want to give to them for their sale - good stuff too, most with the tags still on it and never used! It's really been quite a blessing to me to be able to get rid of this stuff and not have any remorse.

I also attacked our closet this weekend and got rid of a few garbage bags full of clothes as well as cleaned out underneath our bathroom sink and threw away probably at least 10 bottles of half-filled lotions from Bath & Body. Yes, I really am that bad!
It doesn't help that my husband is a pack-rat and thinks that we should save everything to save money because someday we'll actually need it and then we won't have to go buy it. I'm done with this! I want to get rid of this clutter and I'm at the point where I really don't care if we have to go buy a new curling iron (I've probably never even used it once since I bought it 6 years ago!) some day for when our un-conceived daughter is a teenager and needs to fix her hair for prom or something. Once we clean out this clutter and get rid of all this crap that we don't need I NEVER want to live like this again!

So that was our weekend, I'm feeling discouraged because of our situation, but encouraged because I at least got a little bit done. I guess even a little bit of progress is still progress, right?
